How to make money by Blogging in 2023 | Top 10 Easy Ways to Start Bogging in 2023 full Details


10 Ways to Earn  from blogging

Professional bloggers in India may earn up to $10,000 a month, making it a legitimate profession. While a famous blogger could earn between $20,000 and $30,000 per month, the average blogger makes between $300 and $400 monthly.

The reality that some experienced bloggers earn more money annually than top CEOs illustrates the potential for blogging to develop into a well-known job. The popularity of blogging is rising swiftly in India, therefore finding strategies to make money from your website is essential. This is a list of the top 15 ways to monetize your blog in India.

  • 1. Ad Network

    ·        Google AdSense

    ·        mMedia

    ·        Facebook Audience Network Ads

    ·        Adknowledge

  • ·        Yahoo Network·        Apple Advertising

    ·        Epom

    ·        Tabola

    The most well-liked method of making money from a blog is through Google AdSense. After a blogger's AdSense account has been approved, they may paste a piece of code into the backend of their website to start showing advertising. The blogger receives payment each time a visitor clicks or views one of these adverts. Since Google AdSense only pays out once you've earned over $100, this method works best for authoritative blogs with plenty of traffic.

  • 2. Sell info products

Another common method of earning money in India through blogging is this. You can think about creating and marketing your info goods if you already have a following on social media or an email list. An info product might be an ebook or a course. Finding the right people and timing your product pitches is not difficult if a suitable system is in place.

Information goods with modest ticket prices, particularly those between $50 and $200, stimulate impulsive buying as customers are always seeking out new methods to expand their knowledge. A identity online course or an e-book are both examples of information goods.

3. Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing can be a great way to make money from your blog. You can earn more money from a single sale than from a click on an ad. Many bloggers use affiliate marketing these days. If you're interested in monetizing your blog with affiliate marketing in India, we have a comprehensive list of affiliate marketing programs that you should check out.

The great thing about affiliate marketing is that it can be used on any blogging platform, such as LinkedIn, Medium, Squarespace, or Wix. You just need to share the unique affiliate link of the product you recommend. Every time someone buys the product using your link, you can earn a commission on the sale price. The commission rates can range from 5% to 30% per sale."

4. Native advertising

A sort of sponsored promotion known as "native advertising" fits in with the appearance, feel, and operation of the digital medium in which it appears. These advertisements, which are frequently seen in social media feeds, are designed to blend in with the content rather than standing out like banners or display advertising. By embedding a marketing message for their sponsor in a way that appears more like editorial material than a commercial, native advertising is a popular method for bloggers to make money.

·       Mgid

·       Taboola

·       Adsense as it also has native ads

·       Outbrain, which offers high-quality native ads

5. Make money from social media networks

Image Credit : Freepik

When it comes to earning potential through social media networks like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, the possibilities are endless. For instance, those who have a large following on Instagram can collaborate with beauty, fashion, and lifestyle brands to earn money through sponsored posts.

6. Start a paid community/newsletter

Consider launching a paid forum or email newsletter if many visitors to your website regularly visit it in order to make money. You may impose a one-time cost, a monthly fee, or an annual price on these visitors. There are two ways to monetize premium newsletters:

Although freeloading is not immoral, you might prefer people who are really interested in your material. I Charge an onboarding cost to deter freeloaders. So, it is preferable to charge an onboarding cost in order to draw in more committed subscribers.

ii) Charge a recurring price (monthly/yearly) - You could wish to provide your subscribers access to unique content that isn't available on your website or blog. It's also crucial to distribute newsletters consistently if you want to keep your subscribers.

credit : pexabay

7. Video blogging on YouTube

"Video blogging, also known as vlogging, is a growing form of blogging where video bloggers document their daily lives and create a community. Vlogs are particularly popular on YouTube, and successful video bloggers can earn a significant amount of money. Some popular topics for video blogging include:"

·       Travel

·       Fashion

·       Lifestyle

·       Entertainment

·       Motivation

8.Organizing Campaigns for Multiple Brands: A Way to Make Money Blogging

If you have an established blog with a large audience base, organizing campaigns for brands can be a lucrative strategy. This can involve various tactics such as paid ads, webinars, videos, and brand collaborations to help brands reach their target audience through your blog."

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